Sleep Tight

Sunday 23 September 2012

I loved the challenge this week over at UK Scrappers! I struggled a lot with last week's one but this week: no trouble!

The challenge was to:
1. Use the sketch provided
2. Use shades of pink
3. Use mist or bling on the layout
4. to use scraps of paper (I'm great at that!)

This was the sketch:
and here are the pink scraps I pulled out:

and my finished layout. I got on really well with the sketch, I particularly liked the hexagons, the only trouble is that I don't have a hexagon punch but no worries I do have scissors!

I used a lot of Prima flowers around the photo and pulled out as many different ones as I could find that matched the paper I was using.

I managed to get both mist and bling on my layout - these Thickers are sparkly, yum!

and here's that mist I mentioned (love mist so much right now!)

and finally the pretty bit in the top right corner - I love these!
So thanks very much to the challenge setter this week on UKS, just what I needed!