Mini Album Pocket Book

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

The saga of my poorly camera continues. I should hopefully find out tomorrow whether it is able to be repaired and if so what the cost of that will be. I've had a look at my house insurance and the camera is covered but the excess is £100 so I guess I'll have to find out the cost of repairs and weigh that up with the cost of the excess. Boo hiss.In the meantime I am trying to take photos using my video camera - not good!

I have a mini album to share today. I taught this as a class at the weekend and I think everyone was happy with it, although there wasn't time for them to get their photos in! I misjudged the timing a bit and thought we'd be much further on than we were earlier in the day so everyone is going to have to finish off at home.

Here's the front cover of my little album:

It isn't really an album in the traditional sense of the word i.e. you don't flip over every page and look at it like an album, it's more like a pocket book and each tab is a mini scrapbook page itself. There were a lot of pockets in this book with space for photos on the front and back of every tab as well as behind where some of the tabs were sitting so all in all this little album with only 4 pages it it could take up to 60 6x4" photos!

I had a couple of mini pages in there too, yes pockets as well, so that meant even more space for photos!

It was a fun album to make although there was a lot of edge inking to do throughout the day and two of my attendees actually got blisters from doing so much!

I had better go, my little missy has just shut herself in the conservatory and is making a bee line for the cat food...