What's with all these balls?!

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

A very happy Tuesday morning to everyone out there, what do you have planned for this delightful Tuesday? I have absolutely nothing on today which means I get to spend the whole day crafting - yey!

I have a layout to share with you today - I made this one for last month's House Challenge over on UK Scrappers which was a colour combo and the colours were perfect for this picture I had of my Little Miss playing in the ball pond at our local soft play area:

I pulled out a load of scraps from my scraps basket and cut them into strips to form the background. I mounted another piece of patterned paper to form a title/journalling layer and added my photos.

I added a few nude coloured flowers and stuck card candi in the centres.

I finished off by adding a title in different alpha stickers and some journalling strips.

What do you think? I don't usually work with such a busy background, I prefer small patterns or plain cardstock so this was a bit of a challenge for me.

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