Lazy Afternoon

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Two men's cards in a row. Last week: my Grandad, this week: my hubby's Grandad. I usually make my cards quite far in advance but this one I left right until the last minute and managed to get my creation uploaded only just in time - very unlike me! I didn't know what image to use so, after considering many, finally settled on Lazy Afternoon by Lili of the Valley, a gorgeous image that until the other day hadn't seen any ink. I went for manly colours, added a few interesting bits of trim and a huge wooden button and called it done. But then I felt the need to add sparkle, so went for a few gems and even some glitter - manly brown glitter of course.

This week's Sketch Saturday Sketch is sponsored by Bunny Zoe's Crafts and they have a great prize on offer so head on over to be in with a chance of winning.

Happy scrapping x

 For cardmaking and scrapbooking classes in St Albans, Hertfordshire, please contact me.


  1. Perfect masculine card for your FIL! Love the nice papers and that cute image.

  2. This is gorgeous Niki! Love this iamage and your colouring! I like the touch of sparkle works, even on a man card! :)
    Lizy xx

  3. This is gorgeous Niki and I love the colours you used.

    Hugs, Vannessa x

  4. Love this image Niki - fabulous card! Hugs Deb
