Challenge #5 Start with a Sketch and Typography

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Of late I've been looking at some of the most gorgeous Project Life cards in my collection and been passing them by...the ones with the very large words or phrases on them, and then this challenge was born. Some of the cards have quite meaningful or poignant phrases or sayings which is why I don't often incorporate them into a layout. I designed this sketch to take one of those cards into account, and to use it as my title. I then just had to find a photo that would work with it.

I chose a gold 3x4 card that said 'when you love what you have you have everything you need', a phrase that sums up how I feel about my family and I built my layout around that card. I went for a white, yellow and gold colour scheme (and ignored the fact that my photo didn't go with that at all, perhaps I should have made it black and white?) and I am totally in love with the result.


My UKS team-mate K has done a sample layout too:

Please share your layouts on Instagram using the hashtag #uks2014summerscrapbookingchallenge and also in the UKS dedicated Gallery.

Back shortly with Challenge #6...

Happy scrapping xx

 For cardmaking and scrapbooking classes in St Albans, Hertfordshire, please contact me.

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