Challenge #4: to use frames, ink or mist, and Project Life Cards

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Challenge #4 is to incorporate certain things in your layout:
Ink or mist; and
Project Life cards.

I had loads of all of those so it should be quite an easy one! I use my Project Life cards as additional layers and to add pops of colour to my layouts.  Because I have quite a lot of them, I am guilt free about using loads of them and they are already cut to such a perfect size. I find them so quick and easy to use and they now feature in practically every layout I make.

My UK Scrappers Team-mate Sue has done a sample layout for this challenge (thanks Sue!):

We'll be back at 2pm with challenge #5...

Please share your layouts on Instagram using the hashtag #uks2014summerscrapbookingchallenge and also in the UKS dedicated Gallery.

For cardmaking and scrapbooking classes in St Albans, Hertfordshire, please contact me.

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