Vellum as a background...

Friday, 9 August 2013

One of Shimelle's challenges on her blog last weekend was to go through her previous Sketch to Scrapbook page video series and create a layout based on your favourite one. One in particular caught my eye, not specifically because of the sketch, but more because of the use of a transparency as the background and keeping it transparent rather than mounting it onto cardstock or something. I have had a sheet of vellum with feathers printed on it for quite some time now which I've been wanting to use in my Harry Potter album but I didn't quite know how to use it and every time I got it out I ended up putting it back. This particular technique has put an end to that block and I am happy to report that it has now been used!

So the Sketch to Scrapbook page I took inspiration from was dated 15/6/12 and can be viewed here and the link to that post on Shimelle's blog, which shows the sketch is here.   

Now the thing about scrapbooking with vellum in this way (or a transparency) is that another layout needs to go on the other side so that the vellum remains transparent. The photo placement was obviously very easy as it had to go in the same place as the one on the other side but I wanted to make the bottom half different to that on the first side.  I've used another of Shimelle's challenges for this which was to use three 3x4" cards together and build your layout from there. OK, I actually had to start with the photo first but then I added the three cards and built the rest of the layout from there. 

Thanks for looking and I'll have another challenge layout to share tomorrow

Happy scrapping xx

1 comment

  1. I love seeing all your Harry Potter pages and it gives me lots of inspiration for my own HP album! Hope all is well hugs xxx
