A Scary layout...

Sunday, 3 November 2013

OK, this week on UK Scrappers there was a challenge:
1. to use the sketch below
2. to use Halloween colours
3. to scrap a festival such as Halloween

I'm good for the sketch, but I'm not sure on the Halloween colours because there was originally a swatch, but then it switched to any Halloween colours. I didn't use the swatch but I think these colours are sufficiently Halloween-y but they aren't traditional Halloween colours like orange, black, purple for example. And then there's the festival part - my photo is of a Dementor from Harry Potter which is obviously a very scary being and if I were to go out dressed up as one, it would definitely pass for a Halloween costume BUT strictly speaking it's not Halloween. So I've no idea whether I've met all the requirements or not but this is my submission nonetheless!

Happy scrapping and may my next blog post contain a prettier subject!

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